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General Information


8. 8. 2025 - 17. 8. 2025


Patejdlova Bouda, Giant Mountains, Czech Republic


Gender-based Violence and Human Rights

Academic Director

Kristýna Abel Benešová (UNHCR) 

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Kateřina Šimáčková, judge of the European Court of Human Rights


Antoine Duval (Asser Institute)
Jacob Kornbeck (European Commission)
Despina Mavromati (SportLegis)
Richard Parrish (Edge Hill University)
Zuzana Vikarská (University of Oxford) 
Marjolaine Viret (University of Neuchâtel)
Andrea Cattaneo (Edge Hill University)

Laura Jokinen, Community-based Protection Officer with experience from operations in Kenya, Ethiopia and the Middle East (UNHCR)

Dr. Mattia Pinto, lecturer in human rights and international law, University of York

Dr. Nele Peerenboom, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge

Zuzana Andreska, doctoral researcher, Faculty of Social Sicencies, Charles University

Dr. Daniel Bartoň, attorney at law and lecturer, Protestant Teological Faculty, Charles University

Course Fee

€ 490 or 12 250,- CZK (incl. accommodation and full board)
In some cases, we can provide financial aid (more information available here).

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